Using the Perl module, Facebook::Graph, I have created some basic perl code that can post to my own wall. I can share a photo on my own wall. I can also post a simple wall message to one of the pages for which I am an admin. However, when I try to post a photo to the page, it posts as me, not as the page.
Here is the sample code that posts as me, to the Facebook page. I need it to post as the Page, not as me.
# previously, I obtained my Page's accesstoken, and other credentials
# including the Facebook Page ID
my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new(
app_id => $facebook_application_id,
secret => $facebook_application_secret
my $rstring = $fb
->set_message('Look at this really cool photo!')
print "$rstring\n\n";
I am trying to figure out how to create a post to the wall of a Facebook page, as if it is being posted BY the page, not by me.
I am trying to do that with the CPAN module, Facebook::Graph, located here:
I cannot, for the life of me, figure this out. Any help would be most welcomed!
I went through the same trouble, so let me share what I did step by step so it might benefit other people:
Then, on the righthand side, there is another menu named "Get Token", in which you select "Get Access Token", then a pop-up window will appear, you to the extended permissions tab, and check "publish_pages" and "manage_pages" options and click on "Get Access Token". It will pop-up a window asking you to confirm you want to grant access to this app. It will produce a long token.
Then, you select the menu Get Token again, and you will find in this menu the list of the pages you manage, select the one you want and it will show its related access token.
Now the token received is only temporary like 2 hours or something. You want something that last 60 days and renewable, so from your server you do a curl request:$facebook_application_id&client_secret=$facebook_application_secret&fb_exchange_token=$facebook_accesstoken
Facebook will output something like this:
I hope this helps.