The following VB code is intended to add an alias index to a nest elastic search but the final line receives an error -
"lambda expression cannot be converted to NEST.IAliasRequest because Nest.IAliasRequest is not a delegate type"
Dim client = ConnectToSearch()
Dim Person = New Person With {.Id= Id, .Description = Description, .Tags = Tags}
client.Alias(Sub(a) a.Add(Function(add) add.Index("Person").Alias("Account1")))
client.[Alias](Function(descriptor) descriptor.Add(Function(a) a.Index("Person").[Alias]("Account1")))
Maybe this one will help you create alias with filter.
client.[Alias](Function([alias]) [alias].Add(Function(a) a.Index(indexName).[Alias]("alias").Filter(Of Person)(Function(f) f.Term("relationships.staffID", staffID))))
Hope this helps.