I am new to test automation and currently we are using a combination of behat + mink + selenium to automate tests. I want to check whether the calendar view displays the correct month and date. Here is my gherkin script:
Feature: Users see the current date when the calendar view is clicked!
Scenario: As a registered user, when I click on calendar, the page should display current date (mm-dd)
Given I go to "URL"
When I fill in "username" with "username"
When I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I press "edit-submit"
Then I follow "calendar"
Then I should see "June 28"
This is what I added in the FeatureContext.php file:
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentDate()->format('Y-m-d');
protected function currentDate() {
return new Date();
Since it this test should be automated I would like to change the last step in my script to something like this:
Then I should see "current date (mm-dd)"
I am not sure if it is even possible but like I said earlier, I am new to behat and I'm not sure how would I implement something like this. I am using Behat with mink and selenium. Thank you for your help!
I figured it out and wanted to post a solution in case someone needed it in the future:
Add this to your FeatureContext.php file. Comments on top of each function explain what it does!
First function:
// call currentDate() to fetch and format the date (month year)
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentdate = $this->currentDate()->format('F Y');
Second function:
// Get current date time
protected function currentDate() {
return new DateTime();
Third function:
//month year date matcher does not take any arguments
* Checks, that page contains specified text.
* @Then /^match current month year with page$/
public function MonthYearDateMatcher()