I have a question about a recursive function to draw an image
Yes, it's a homework, but I don't know how to draw that image. What I have so far is:
(list (x1/y2) (x2/y2)...(xn/yn)
)point-x (first lis)
(zipWith f xs ys)
that takes two lists(xs ys)
apply the function f
and makes a list (for example (zipWith + (list 1 2 3) (list 10 20 30)) -> (list 11 22 33)
that takes two lists and makes them a tuple (for example:(make-tuple (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)) -> (tuple (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6))
(xs1 (tuple (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)) -> (list 1 2 3)
Now to the actual function:
We have to use the function add-line
which draws a line from one point to another.
The parameters are image number number number number string
In other words: empty-image x1 y1 x2 y2 "black"
So it starts with an empty-image
and draws a line from (x1/y1)
to (x2/y2)
with the color "black"
And we have to use fold
to write the function. So my attempt on this:
(: render ((list-of point) -> image))
(define render
(lambda (xs)
(let((tuple-list (zipWith make-tuple xs (rest xs))))
(fold empty-image
What I tried to do was take the list of points and make a list with tuple of points
(list (tuple (x1/y1) (x2/y2)) (tuple (x2/y2) (x3/y3))...(tuple (xn/yn) (xn/yn)))
Now I want to apply add-line
with fold
to the list of tuples. So that I say, lets take the first tuple (my two points) and apply them to the function add-line
. Then take the next tuple and also apply these points to the add-line
function (and so on) until my list is empty.
The problem now is, Scheme says add-line
expects 6 parameters but found only 2. I know my problem, because add-line
don't know where to get the other parameters. So I tried:
(define render
(lambda (xs)
(let((tuple-list (zipWith make-tuple xs (rest xs))))
(fold empty-image (add-line
(point-x (xs1 (first tuple-list)))
(point-y (xs1 (first tuple-list)))
(point-x (xs2 (first tuple-list)))
(point-y (xs2 (first tuple-list)))
and know it says "function call: expected a function after the open parenthesis, but received an image"
And again I know my mistake, add-line
draws one line, and fold tries to apply that image to the list, but need a function not an image. So my question:
How can I write a recursive function render
with add-line
and fold
, that draws the first line, then get the next points and draws the next line combined with the first one?
(like a recursive add-line
function, that calls itself again after drawing a line)
You don't say specifically which language you are using, but this looks suspicious:
(fold empty-image (add-line ...))
In Racket the way to use fold
(foldl f base l)
Here f
is a function. In your code you have empty-image
You need to define define a function say f
, that use a tuple to add a line onto the "current" image:
; f : tuple image -> image
(define (f t img)
(add-line img
(point-x (xs1 t))
(point-y (xs1 t))
(point-x (xs2 t))
(point-y (xs2 t))
and then
(foldl f empty-image tuple-list)
You might need to tweak a thing or two to get it to work.