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Speeding up a code that calls same function again and again

I have got a matrix say A of size M X N. I have to call same function for each column throughout the matrix. Till now, I have been extracting each column and calling the function over the column iterating till N. i.e. (No. of Columns)

Is there any better/faster way to do it?

Any help appreciated. Thanks


  • Nowadays if you can you can boost performance using parallel computing.

    The CPU are multicore/multithread.

    You can use for example java 8 stream and parallel computation.

    for example

    Matrix Vector Multiplication

      2 public static void matrixVectorProduct() {
      3     System.out.println("Matrix Vector multiplication"); 
      4     final int DIM = 5;
      6     int [][]a = new int[DIM][DIM]; 
      7     int counter = 1;
      8     for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      9         for (int j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) {
     10             a[i][j] = counter++; 
     11         } 
     12     } 
     14     int []v = new int[DIM]; 
     15     Arrays.fill(v, 5);        
     16     int []c = new int[DIM]; 
     18     IntStream.range(0, c.length) 
     19              .parallel() 
     20              .forEach( (i) ->  { 
     21                  IntStream.range(0, a.length)
     22                           .sequential() 
     23                           .forEach( (j) -> { c[i] += v[j] * a[i][j]; }); 
     24                          }); 
     27     int []expected = new int[]{75, 200, 325, 450, 575};
     28     assertArrayEquals(expected, c); 
     30     System.out.println("Matrix-Vector product: " + Arrays.toString(c));         
     31 }