The pydoc documentation of some Python modules (like math
and sys
) has a "MODULE DOCS" section that contains a useful link to some HTML documentation:
Help on module math:
How can such a section be included in your own modules?
More generally, is there a place where the variables recognized by pydoc are documented?
I was not able to find this in the source because the math
module is a shared library, on my machine (OS X), and the sys
module is built in Python… Any help would be much appreciated!
After looking in the code of the pydoc
module, I think that the "MODULE DOCS" link is only available for standard modules, not custom ones.
Here is the relevant code:
def getdocloc(self, object):
"""Return the location of module docs or None"""
file = inspect.getabsfile(object)
except TypeError:
file = '(built-in)'
docloc = os.environ.get("PYTHONDOCS",
basedir = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "lib",
if (isinstance(object, type(os)) and
(object.__name__ in ('errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imp',
'marshal', 'posix', 'signal', 'sys',
'thread', 'zipimport') or
(file.startswith(basedir) and
not file.startswith(os.path.join(basedir, 'site-packages'))))):
if docloc.startswith("http://"):
docloc = "%s/%s" % (docloc.rstrip("/"), object.__name__)
docloc = os.path.join(docloc, object.__name__ + ".html")
docloc = None
return docloc
A return value of None is interpreted as an empty "MODULE DOCS" section.