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With Nested Resources in routes.rb with custom to_param, how can Strong Parameters allow created/update to permit?

I can't find something that'll lead in the right direction. Everyone else's similar issues with nested resources seems to resolve around accepts_nested_attributes_for… which I'm not trying to do. I'm not trying to save children from the parent, I'm trying to save directly from the child.

In my routes.rb, I have nested my resource

resources :parents, param: :parent do
  resources :children, param: :child

parent and child tables both have their own id column, but also have unique index on columns parent and child respectively, which I was to be used in the URL instead of the id.

This is working fine browsing around going to the show, edit and index actions of each controller.

The problem is there are exceptions saving data.

I'm hoping the root-cause of the issue doesn't come down to a field in the child table is also called child as that's what I've used to override to_param in the model and need to keep it that way.

Navigating to the edit screen: and pushing submit on the form, returns this NoMethodError exception:

NoMethodError at /parents/harry/children/sally
undefined method `permit' for "sally":String

I'm sure the problem is something to do with how my Strong Parameters line is in children_controller.rb. Can I add to require a hash of :parent and :child maybe?

def children_params
  params.require(:child).permit(:child, :date_of_birth, :nickname)

Update 1 (Added params): Here are the request parameters:

  "commit"=>"Update Child", 

Other instance variable in-scope at time of error:


<Parent id: 1, parent: "harry", description: "", user_id: 1, created_at: "2015-06-27 12:00:15", updated_at: "2015-06-27 12:00:15">


<Child id: 1, child: "sally", date_of_birth: nil, parent_id: 1, nickname: nil, created_at: "2015-06-27 12:00:15", updated_at: "2015-06-27 12:00:15">


  • Turns out, the problem did seem to be because the a model attribute is named the same at the model, which is what the params hash is also called (where the real problem seemed to lie).

    All I needed to do was rename the params hash.

    In children_controller.rb, I had to change:

    def children_params
      params.require(:child).permit(:child, :date_of_birth, :nickname)


    def children_params
      params.require(:anything_else).permit(:child, :date_of_birth, :nickname)

    and then also change theform_for my form in the new/edit views from:

    <%= simple_form_for([@parent, @child]) do |f| %>


    <%= simple_form_for([@parent, @child], as: :child_params) do |f| %>

    Now, all works well across the board, in both tests and when a user uses the site via the UI as normal.