I have some strings like this
", One "
", One , Two"
"One, Two "
" One,Two, "
" ,Two ,Three "
EDIT 2: Some strings have two words between coma like ", Two ,Three, Twenty Five, Six"
and need to remove space and or comma at the beginning and end of the string only tried few regex with preg_replace(), but they replace all occurrences.
EDIT: Actually would be great to remove all clutter like !@#$%^&*(
etc whatever is at the end and beginning of string, but not in between.
Optionally need to make strings look proper by placing word then comma then space then another word (if there's comma one in between words).
Example "One,Two ,Three , Four"
into "One, Two, Three, Four"
P.S. Please provide answer as two separate regex as its easier to understand.
Use the regex \b\w+\b
to extract words and then reformat like this:
$strings = [", One ",
", One , Two",
"One, Two ",
" One,Two, ",
" ,Two ,Three ",
", Two ,Three, Twenty Five, Six"];
foreach($strings as &$str)
$neat = '';
foreach($matches[0] as $word)
$neat .= $word.', ';
$neat = rtrim($neat,', ');
$str = $neat;
[0] => One
[1] => One, Two
[2] => One, Two
[3] => One, Two
[4] => Two, Three
[5] => Two, Three, Twenty Five, Six