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Stripe Integration with classic ASP

i am trying to integrate stripe payment gateway in classic ASP using vb script , i am very new to ASP and vb script and trying to learn how it could be done.

meanwhile i have got a great resource : Integrate stripe using Classic ASP

i am just trying to do the same as explained in the above article.

My Folder Structure :




--My index.asp file--

<!–#include virtual="aspJSON1.17.asp" –>
Function GetStripe(url,typ)

Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

xml.Open typ, url, False

xml.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer sk_test_mykey"


GetStripe = xml.responseText

Set xml = Nothing

End Function

var_stripe_token = Request(stripeToken)   

var_json = GetStripe("" & var_stripe_token, "POST")

Set oJSON = New aspJSON


Response.Write "<pre>JSON returned: " & var_json & "</pre>"
Response.Write "<pre>UserId: " &"id") & "</pre>"
<title>Stripe Testing</title>
	<script src="//"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// This identifies your website in the createToken call below
		// ...
	<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(function($) {
		  $('#payment-form').submit(function(event) {
			var $form = $(this);

			// Disable the submit button to prevent repeated clicks
			$form.find('button').prop('disabled', true);

			Stripe.card.createToken($form, stripeResponseHandler);

			// Prevent the form from submitting with the default action
			return false;
		function stripeResponseHandler(status, response) {
		  var $form = $('#payment-form');
		  $form.find('button').prop('disabled', false);

	<h3>Stripe Testing</h3>
<form action="" method="POST" id="payment-form">
  <span class="payment-errors"></span>

  <div class="form-row">
      <span>Card Number</span>
      <input type="text" size="20" data-stripe="number"/>

  <div class="form-row">
      <input type="text" size="4" data-stripe="cvc"/>

  <div class="form-row">
      <span>Expiration (MM/YYYY)</span>
      <input type="text" size="2" data-stripe="exp-month"/>
    <span> / </span>
    <input type="text" size="4" data-stripe="exp-year"/>
	<input type="hidden" name="stripeToken" id="stripeToken" value="" />
  <button type="submit">Submit Payment</button>

--My aspJSON1.17.asp --

'Februari 2014 - Version 1.17 by Gerrit van Kuipers
Class aspJSON
	Public data
	Private p_JSONstring
	private aj_in_string, aj_in_escape, aj_i_tmp, aj_char_tmp, aj_s_tmp, aj_line_tmp, aj_line, aj_lines, aj_currentlevel, aj_currentkey, aj_currentvalue, aj_newlabel, aj_XmlHttp, aj_RegExp, aj_colonfound

	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
		Set data = Collection()

	    Set aj_RegExp = new regexp
	    aj_RegExp.Pattern = "\s{0,}(\S{1}[\s,\S]*\S{1})\s{0,}"
	    aj_RegExp.Global = False
	    aj_RegExp.IgnoreCase = True
	    aj_RegExp.Multiline = True
	End Sub

	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
		Set data = Nothing
	    Set aj_RegExp = Nothing
	End Sub

	Public Sub loadJSON(inputsource)
		inputsource = aj_MultilineTrim(inputsource)
		If Len(inputsource) = 0 Then Err.Raise 1, "loadJSON Error", "No data to load."
		select case Left(inputsource, 1)
			case "{", "["
			case else
				Set aj_XmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", inputsource, False
				aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/json"
				aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "CharSet", "UTF-8"
				inputsource = aj_XmlHttp.responseText
				set aj_XmlHttp = Nothing
		end select

		p_JSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring(inputsource)
		aj_lines = Split(p_JSONstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10))

		Dim level(99)
		aj_currentlevel = 1
		Set level(aj_currentlevel) = data
		For Each aj_line In aj_lines
			aj_currentkey = ""
			aj_currentvalue = ""
			If Instr(aj_line, ":") > 0 Then
				aj_in_string = False
				aj_in_escape = False
				aj_colonfound = False
				For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_line)
					If aj_in_escape Then
						aj_in_escape = False
						Select Case Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp, 1)
							Case """"
								aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
							Case ":"
								If Not aj_in_escape And Not aj_in_string Then
									aj_currentkey = Left(aj_line, aj_i_tmp - 1)
									aj_currentvalue = Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp + 1)
									aj_colonfound = True
									Exit For
								End If
							Case "\"
								aj_in_escape = True
						End Select
					End If
				if aj_colonfound then
					aj_currentkey = aj_Strip(aj_JSONDecode(aj_currentkey), """")
					If Not level(aj_currentlevel).exists(aj_currentkey) Then level(aj_currentlevel).Add aj_currentkey, ""
				end if
			End If
			If right(aj_line,1) = "{" Or right(aj_line,1) = "[" Then
				If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
				Set level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = Collection()
				Set level(aj_currentlevel + 1) = level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey)
				aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel + 1
				aj_currentkey = ""
			ElseIf right(aj_line,1) = "}" Or right(aj_line,1) = "]" or right(aj_line,2) = "}," Or right(aj_line,2) = "]," Then
				aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel - 1
			ElseIf Len(Trim(aj_line)) > 0 Then
				if Len(aj_currentvalue) = 0 Then aj_currentvalue = aj_line
				aj_currentvalue = getJSONValue(aj_currentvalue)

				If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
				level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = aj_currentvalue
			End If
	End Sub

	Public Function Collection()
		set Collection = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	End Function

	Public Function AddToCollection(dictobj)
		if TypeName(dictobj) <> "Dictionary" then Err.Raise 1, "AddToCollection Error", "Not a collection."
		aj_newlabel = dictobj.Count
		dictobj.Add aj_newlabel, Collection()
		set AddToCollection = dictobj.item(aj_newlabel)
	end function

	Private Function CleanUpJSONstring(aj_originalstring)
		aj_originalstring = Replace(aj_originalstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "")
		aj_originalstring = Mid(aj_originalstring, 2, Len(aj_originalstring) - 2)
		aj_in_string = False : aj_in_escape = False : aj_s_tmp = ""
		For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_originalstring)
			aj_char_tmp = Mid(aj_originalstring, aj_i_tmp, 1)
			If aj_in_escape Then
				aj_in_escape = False
				aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
				Select Case aj_char_tmp
					Case "\" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_escape = True
					Case """" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
					Case "{", "["
						aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
					Case "}", "]"
						aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & aj_char_tmp
					Case "," : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
					Case Else : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
				End Select
			End If

		CleanUpJSONstring = ""
		aj_s_tmp = split(aj_s_tmp, Chr(13) & Chr(10))
		For Each aj_line_tmp In aj_s_tmp
			aj_line_tmp = replace(replace(aj_line_tmp, chr(10), ""), chr(13), "")
			CleanUpJSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring & aj_Trim(aj_line_tmp) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
	End Function

	Private Function getJSONValue(ByVal val)
		val = Trim(val)
		If Left(val,1) = ":"  Then val = Mid(val, 2)
		If Right(val,1) = "," Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
		val = Trim(val)

		Select Case val
			Case "true"  : getJSONValue = True
			Case "false" : getJSONValue = False
			Case "null" : getJSONValue = Null
			Case Else
				If (Instr(val, """") = 0) Then
					If IsNumeric(val) Then
						getJSONValue = CDbl(val)
						getJSONValue = val
					End If
					If Left(val,1) = """" Then val = Mid(val, 2)
					If Right(val,1) = """" Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
					getJSONValue = aj_JSONDecode(Trim(val))
				End If
		End Select
	End Function

	Private JSONoutput_level
	Public Function JSONoutput()
		dim wrap_dicttype, aj_label
		JSONoutput_level = 1
		wrap_dicttype = "[]"
		For Each aj_label In data
			 If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then wrap_dicttype = "{}"
		JSONoutput = Left(wrap_dicttype, 1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & GetDict(data) & Right(wrap_dicttype, 1)
	End Function

	Private Function GetDict(objDict)
		dim aj_item, aj_keyvals, aj_label, aj_dicttype
		For Each aj_item In objDict
			Select Case TypeName(objDict.Item(aj_item))
				Case "Dictionary"
					GetDict = GetDict & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4)
					aj_dicttype = "[]"
					For Each aj_label In objDict.Item(aj_item).Keys
						 If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then aj_dicttype = "{}"
					If aj_IsInt(aj_item) Then
						GetDict = GetDict & (Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
						GetDict = GetDict & ("""" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """" & ": " & Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
					End If
					JSONoutput_level = JSONoutput_level + 1
					aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys
					GetDict = GetDict & (GetSubDict(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & Right(aj_dicttype,1) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
				Case Else
					aj_keyvals =  objDict.Keys
					GetDict = GetDict & (Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & aj_InlineIf(aj_IsInt(aj_item), "", """" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """: ") & WriteValue(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
			End Select
	End Function

	Private Function aj_IsInt(val)
		aj_IsInt = (TypeName(val) = "Integer" Or TypeName(val) = "Long")
	End Function

	Private Function GetSubDict(objSubDict)
		GetSubDict = GetDict(objSubDict)
		JSONoutput_level= JSONoutput_level -1
	End Function

	Private Function WriteValue(ByVal val)
		Select Case TypeName(val)
			Case "Double", "Integer", "Long": WriteValue = val
			Case "Null"						: WriteValue = "null"
			Case "Boolean"					: WriteValue = aj_InlineIf(val, "true", "false")
			Case Else						: WriteValue = """" & aj_JSONEncode(val) & """"
		End Select
	End Function

	Private Function aj_JSONEncode(ByVal val)
		val = Replace(val, "\", "\\")
		val = Replace(val, """", "\""")
		'val = Replace(val, "/", "\/")
		val = Replace(val, Chr(8), "\b")
		val = Replace(val, Chr(12), "\f")
		val = Replace(val, Chr(10), "\n")
		val = Replace(val, Chr(13), "\r")
		val = Replace(val, Chr(9), "\t")
		aj_JSONEncode = Trim(val)
	End Function

	Private Function aj_JSONDecode(ByVal val)
		val = Replace(val, "\""", """")
		val = Replace(val, "\\", "\")
		val = Replace(val, "\/", "/")
		val = Replace(val, "\b", Chr(8))
		val = Replace(val, "\f", Chr(12))
		val = Replace(val, "\n", Chr(10))
		val = Replace(val, "\r", Chr(13))
		val = Replace(val, "\t", Chr(9))
		aj_JSONDecode = Trim(val)
	End Function

	Private Function aj_InlineIf(condition, returntrue, returnfalse)
		If condition Then aj_InlineIf = returntrue Else aj_InlineIf = returnfalse
	End Function

	Private Function aj_Strip(ByVal val, stripper)
		If Left(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Mid(val, 2)
		If Right(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
		aj_Strip = val
	End Function

	Private Function aj_MultilineTrim(TextData)
		aj_MultilineTrim = aj_RegExp.Replace(TextData, "$1")
	End Function

	private function aj_Trim(val)
		aj_Trim = Trim(val)
		Do While Left(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Mid(aj_Trim, 2) : Loop
		Do While Right(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Left(aj_Trim, Len(aj_Trim) - 1) : Loop
		aj_Trim = Trim(aj_Trim)
	end function
End Class

the problem is that when i run the code it gives the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fa'

Class not defined: 'aspJSON'

/stripe/index.asp, line 24

Please let me know what wrong am i doing.thanks


  • You're gonna hate me for this. :)

    Include files need to be in html comment tags, which have two hyphens before/after the angle brackets, not one hyphen like you have.

    <!-- #include virtual="/path/to/aspJSON1.17.asp" -->
    <!-- #include file="aspJSON1.17.asp" -->