I have been googling and trying various things such as placing a jaxb.properties file into my web2 folder to specify eclipselink but not having any luck at all.
I can run from eclipse simple code
String inputfilepath = "mywordfile.docx";
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new java.io.File(inputfilepath));
MainDocumentPart main = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
But when it runs under jboss (same jdk, old version of jboss) I get
Couldn't get [Content_Types].xml from ZipFile
and I cant figure out an easy way to fix it. Most googling suggests changing the implementation of jaxb - but I am not marshalling my own classes so it doesnt make sense (nor have my attempts worked).
Any ideas?
To use EclipseLink/MOXy JAXB (as opposed to the Sun/Oracle version in the JDK or the reference implementation), you need:
The jaxb.properties files just say:
If you are using maven, you'll just need to add:
When you start docx4j, the log output will tell you which JAXB it is using.