Having some trouble creating a simple signup form for a mailchimp list. Can't figure out why when they email passes through, it doesn't pass over to mailchimp.. thoughts? I'm sure I missed a step here.
index.html.erb (Form)
<%= form_tag('/welcome/subscribe', method: "post", id: "subscribe",) do -%>
<%= email_field(:email, :address, {id: "email", placeholder: "email address"}) %>
<%= submit_tag("Join!") %>
<% end %>
Gibbon.rb (Initializer)
Gibbon::API.api_key = "Secret API Key"
Gibbon::API.timeout = 15
Gibbon::API.throws_exceptions = false
Welcome.rb (Model)
def subscribe
@list_id = "Secret List ID"
gb = Gibbon::API.new
:id => @list_id,
:email => {:email => params[:email][:address]}
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root 'welcome#index'
post 'welcome/subscribe' => 'welcome#subscribe'
Users are probably being added as pending, requiring them to opt-in to be fully subscribed. You'll want to pass the double_opt_in: false
parameter to your subscribe call.