We use geekq's Workflow gem in our Rails app. Now we need to deal with a situation which a workflow may end up differently. Here is an example:
A normal workflow for a purchase order
may be issue PO=>receive delivery at front desk=>receive into production warehouse
. For production item and non-production item, there are 2 workflows:
production item#: issue PO=>receive delivery at front desk=>receive into production warehouse
non-production item#: issue PO=>receive delivery at front desk
Our questions are:
On geekq/workflow spec, here is a section about conditional event transitions which provides a solution here:
Conditions are procs or lambdas added to events, like so:
state :off
event :turn_on, :transition_to => :on,
:if => proc { |device| device.battery_level > 0 }
event :turn_on, :transition_to => :low_battery,
:if => proc { |device| device.battery_level > 10 }
When calling a device.can_<fire_event>? check, or attempting a device.<event>!, each event is checked in turn:
With no :if check, proceed as usual.
If an :if check is present, proceed if it evaluates to true, or drop to the next event.
If you've run out of events to check (eg. battery_level == 0), then the transition isn't possible.