I am having trouble including a bibliography in a knitr
child document. I want to be able to reference articles from my main bibliography in a child document, but have the bibliography appear after the main document, not after the child. If I only include the \bibliography
command in the main document, the references in the child document are not parsed correctly. Example:
This is the main doc.
<<child-demo, child='child.Rnw'>>=
This is the child \cite{myref}.
title = {frobnosticating froo filters}
volume = {21},
journal = {Frobnification},
author = {John Q. Smith}
month = jan,
year = {2004}
My compile
script contains:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
knit('main.Rnw', tangle=TRUE)
knit('main.Rnw', tangle=FALSE)
for ( i in c(1,2,3)) {
system('pdflatex main')
system('bibtex main')
Running compile
How can I make the child document include references from the main bibliography?
First, you missed a few commas in your mylib.bib
title = {frobnosticating froo filters},
volume = {21},
journal = {Frobnification},
author = {John Q. Smith},
month = {jan},
year = {2004}
Then you did not specify a bibliography style:
This is the main doc.
<<child-demo, child='child.Rnw'>>=