I need to process hash value depends on value type. Here is code with problem:
I32 keys = hv_iterinit(hash);
for (I32 i = 0; i < keys; i++)
char *key = NULL;
I32 key_length = 0;
SV *value = hv_iternextsv(hash, &key, &key_length);
// SvROK(value);
if (SvTYPE(SvRV(value)) < SVt_PVAV)
// handle scalar
printf("key %s has scalar value\n", key);
else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(value)) == SVt_PVAV)
// handle array
printf("key %s has array value\n", key);
else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(value)) == SVt_PVHV)
// handle hash
printf("key %s has hash value\n", key);
If I don't use commented line, I have problem with scalar values. For example with following hash {a => "b", c => {d => "e"}}
is produce output:
key c has hash value
key d has scalar value
So here are my questions:
or sometimes it returns scalar?a
My mistake was in working with result of hv_iternextsv()
. I was thinking that is always a reference. Here is how working code looks like:
I32 keys = hv_iterinit(hash);
for (I32 i = 0; i < keys; i++)
char *key = NULL;
I32 key_length = 0;
SV *value = hv_iternextsv(hash, &key, &key_length);
if (!SvROK(value))
// handle scalar
if (SvTYPE(SvRV(value)) == SVt_PVAV)
// handle array
else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(value)) == SVt_PVHV)
// handle hash
Do we always have reference returned from
or sometimes it returns scalar?
It always returns a scalar. Hashes values can only be scalars. Those scalars can be references ($h{x} = [];
), but need not be ($h{y} = 123;
Why I don't see scalar value output for key a.
There's no way your could possibly return what you said it does, seeing as your hash has no key named d
. For the hash you provided, your code outputs the following:
key a has scalar value
key c has hash value
But it's more of a coincidence than anything else that you got the right answer. SvTYPE(SvRV(value))
when value
isn't a reference??? That makes no sense! The fixed code follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Inline C => <<'__EOI__';
void print_keys(HV* hash) {
char *key;
I32 key_length;
SV *value;
while (value = hv_iternextsv(hash, &key, &key_length)) {
if (SvROK(value)) {
SV * const referenced = SvRV(value);
if (SvTYPE(referenced) == SVt_PVAV) {
printf("The value at key %s is reference to an array\n", key);
else if (SvTYPE(referenced) == SVt_PVHV) {
printf("The value at key %s is a reference to a hash\n", key);
else {
printf("The value at key %s is a reference\n", key);
} else {
printf("The value at key %s is not a reference\n", key);
print_keys({a => "b", c => {d => "e"}});
The value at key a is not a reference
The value at key c is a reference to a hash