I can't find any resources on this, and I've been trying all sorts of stuff, but nothing works.
According to Apple's documentation, you round an NSDecimalNumber like this:
NSDecimalNumber.decimalNumberByRoundingAccordingToBehavior(<#behavior: NSDecimalNumberBehaviors?#>)
It takes in an NSDecimalNumberBehavior, which I'm unsure how to manipulate since it (1) cannot be initiated into a variable and have it's properties changed, and (2) the roundingMode() method according to the documentation doesn't take any parameters, but Xcode fills in a parameter space for "self".
I'm totally lost on this. Back to the basic question; How can I round an NSDecimalNumber in swift?
Thanks in advance
you can do it like that
let x = 5
let y = 2
let total = x.decimalNumberByDividingBy(y).decimalNumberByRoundingAccordingToBehavior( NSDecimalNumberHandler(roundingMode: NSRoundingMode.RoundUp, scale: 0, raiseOnExactness: false, raiseOnOverflow: false, raiseOnUnderflow: false, raiseOnDivideByZero: false))