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Pentaho Report Designer Concatenate + Date formating

Currently I have this formula:

=CONCATENATE([ResourceMesssageFormatExpression3];" ";DAY(NOW());"/";MONTH(NOW());"/";YEAR(NOW());" ";HOUR(NOW());":";MINUTE(NOW()))

The resource message format expression is a resource label that gets translated to
' Generated on: ' and then it should show the date as followed: 06/05/2015 08:36

Day/Month/Year Hour:Minutes Is does that good only my leading zeros are gone. It shows 6/5/2015 8:36 instead of: 06/05/2015 08:36

Any advice on how I can show my leading zeros?


  • Found a solution:

    =CONCATENATE([ResourceMesssageFormatExpression3];" ";MESSAGE("{0,date,dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm}";NOW()))