I have implemented a sync block
which plots inside its work
function using the input_items
values. Now the problem is that the plotting mechanism isn't fast enough for the input stream ( the value of input_items
keeps on changing ).
I have tried to simplify the code as much as possible and added comments. Here it is:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
temp = ''
class xyz(gr.sync_block):
def __init__(self,parent,title,order):
a = []
self.count = 1
self.win = xyzPlot(parent) #I have a Top Block(wxFrame). I am just making it the parent of xyzPlot(wxPanel) here.
def work(self, input_items, output_items):
global temp
if (self.count == 1):
temp = input_items+list()
bool = not(np.allclose(temp,input_items))#bool will be true if the value of `input_items` changes.
#the code that evaluates z1,z2 depending on the value of input_items
if ( bool or self.count == 1 ):
#If bool is true or it is the first time then I am calling plot() which plots the graph.
self.count = 0
temp = input_items+list()
return len(input_items[0])
class xyzPlot(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, dB=None, Hz=None, deg=None):
wx.Panel.__init__(self , parent , -1 ,size=(600,475))
self.fig = Figure()
self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
def plot(self, syslist, omega=None, dB=None, Hz=None, deg=None, Plot=True, *args , **kwargs):
self.axes.clear() #I clear the graph here so that new values can be plotted.
self.canvas = FigCanvas(self, -1, self.fig)
As you can see I am working with wxPython but the panel freezes whenever I change the value of input_items
too fast ( It works fine if I change it slowly ). Any recommendations? I am new to this.
To cite another answer I gave:
This will quickly also get a multithreading problem. To be clear: What you're trying to do (call a plotting function from a block thread) is problematic and usually won't work.
The problem is that you're working in a complex multithreading environment:
What you're doing here is, from a GNU Radio block thread, change what is shown in the window. That is a bad thing, because it changes things that are in the context of the WX Gui thread. This can work, if these changes don't conflict, and if the WX Gui thread doesn't access this kind of data while you're changing it (at some point, it has to access it -- otherwise, noone will update your window).
This is a problem common to all kind of updated GUIs, not only to GNU Radio!
Whether or not that happens is a mere case of probability: With a slowly updated display, your probability of conflict is low, but when you update often, it approaches 1.
The existing visualizations are written in C++ and take very great care to do things the right way -- which is, letting your Gui toolkit (WX in your case, though I explicitely recommend, and have recommended, to move away from that) know that things need to be updated, and then offering WX a function to update the display in its own thread.