I have a gulp task that performs some pretty common tasks - it runs jshint to validate my code, then concats and minimizes the files and outputs them into single .min.js files.
The task (appears) to execute flawlessly when I run it manually. But the second I try to use it in a $gulp.watch it no longer outputs my file (it still executes and executes jshint though).
The code in my task:
gulp.src(path.join(workingPath, folder, '/*.js'))
.pipe(jshint.reporter('fail')) //stop build if errors found
.on('error', function() {
console.log("Please review and correct jshint errors.");
.pipe(order([ //order files before concat - ensure module definitions are first
.pipe(gulp.dest(destinationPath)) //full combined version
.pipe(gulp.dest(destinationPath)) //minified combined version
.on('error',function() {
console.log("An error occurred during Gulp processing.");
My gulp watch (the task is named 'components'):
One thing that I've noticed though is at the end of the manual run I see "Process finished with exit code..". And if I kill my gulp.watch it outputs "Process finished with exit code.." - then it DOES creates the output files!
My goal is to have my 'components' task create those output files every time it is triggered by the watch - not just when I kill the watch.
Thank you!
Ok so my hacky way to fix the problem with jetbrains (im using phpstorm), you gotta understand 2 things.
To get around this problem i created a macro called saveSync which does the following actions:
Why did i synchronize 3 times? Because gulp takes a few seconds to finish tasks (compiling, etc) and if you update before they finish obviously the project view doesn't get update properly. I haven't figured out a way to insert a time delay into the macro itself.
After i created the macro, i just rebound ctrl + s
from save all to the macro, and it worked.
If there is a 'cleaner' way of doing this i have yet to discover it.