Does anyone know, how I could skip the parenthesis from a text file I trying to read using numpy.genfromtxt
My data file is of the format
1.466 ((5.68 3.3 45.7)(4.5 6.7 9.5))
np.genfromtxt can accept iterators:
import numpy as np
import re
with open('data', 'r') as f:
lines = (line.replace('(',' ').replace(')',' ') for line in f)
arr = np.genfromtxt(lines)
[ 1.466 5.68 3.3 45.7 4.5 6.7 9.5 ]
Alternatively, you could use (in Python2) the str.translate
or (in Python3) the bytes.translate
method, which is a bit faster:
import numpy as np
import re
# Python2
import string
table = string.maketrans('()',' ')
except AttributeError:
# Python3
table = bytes.maketrans(b'()',b' ')
with open('data', 'rb') as f:
lines = (line.translate(table) for line in f)
arr = np.genfromtxt(lines)