I have a foreach loop, reading a file containing about 200000 lines, this is my PHP :
foreach ($this->file as $row)
if ($this->file->valid())
//init client array
$row = null;
$this->key = $this->file->key();
//add msisdn to msisdn array, and client to clients array
self::$MsisdnArray[] = $this->msisdn;
self::$InvoicesArray[$this->msisdn] = $this->client;
if ($i % 3000 == 0)
//get valid users from table
and this is the prepareAndSaveValidClients() function :
public function prepareAndSaveValidClients(){
$query = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select('p.gender, p.email2, u.username, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.email_address, u.is_active, p.msisdn, p.user_id, p.city_id, p.street, p.zipcode, p.msisdn_status')
->from('sfGuardUser u')
->innerJoin('u.Profile as p ON u.id = p.user_id')
->whereIn('p.msisdn', self::$MsisdnArray)
->whereIn('p.status', self::$AllowedStatus);
$results = $query->fetchArray();
//instanciat an object collection for payment_notifications
$collection = new Doctrine_Collection("payment_notifications");
if (!empty($results))
foreach ($results as $key => $client)
$invoice = self::$InvoicesArray[$client['Profile']['msisdn']];
$paymentNotifications = new paymentNotifications();
$tel = $client['Profile']['msisdn'];
$client = null;
//clear memory
$results = null;
$collection = null;
self::$MsisdnArray = null;
self::$InvoicesArray = null;
$this->logSection('tel num', 'added :' . $tel . ' Memory usage : ' . memory_get_usage());
$duration = microtime(true) - $this->startTime;
$this->logSection('payment : ', sprintf('added in %s', $duration));
As for the functions :
They are just for preparing $this->client
This is Memory Usage as it's displayed for every loop :
>> tel num added :0699946185 Memory usage : 89287596
>> payment : added in 8.6373870372772
>> tel num added :0699983919 Memory usage : 165854544
>> payment : added in 18.373502969742
>> tel num added :0699949623 Memory usage : 241338788
>> payment : added in 29.336947917938
>> tel num added :0699854750 Memory usage : 319173092
>> payment : added in 40.880628824234
As you can see, I tried to free memory of these variables :
$results = null;
$collection = null;
self::$MsisdnArray = null;
self::$InvoicesArray = null;
But in vain, Memory Usage keeps increasing after every loop, which results in a An Allowed Memory size exausted
fatal error. How can I optimize it?
Thank you.
I solved the problem 2 months ago, and the Memory_usage became stable, but I forgot to post the solution here.
What I did, is that I removed Doctrine, and I used mere PDO and Sql for the select query