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What are DShellFolderViewEvents and DShellFolderViewEvents_Event?

The names make it sound like some sort of event handler.
Both were identified as an interface from Shell32 using the code below: I can't find either of these in the MSDN libraries. Google returned some pages with code where they appeared, but I didn't see anything that really described the interface.

Public Sub ListTypes()
    Dim NS As String = "Shell32"
    For Each t As Type In Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
        If (t.IsClass Or t.IsInterface) And t.Namespace = NS Then
        End If
End Sub 


  • Based on the definition in ShlDisp.h it appears to simply be a thin wrapper around IDispatch with a different GUID.

    DShellFolderViewEvents : public IDispatch

    It seems to be used in obtaining event notification from the shell - Raymond Chen's blog has some example code.