In older textbooks1 one frequently encounters operator declarations like the following:
?- op(1200,fx,(:-)).
^ ^
These round brackets used to be necessary. But today, they are no longer needed:
| ?- writeq(op(1200,fx,(:-))).
Why are they no longer needed? How does the standard cope with this situation?
1 p.97 6. Standard Operator Declarations of MU-Prolog 3.2db reference manual, appearing in Negation and Control in Prolog by Lee Naish, LNCS 238, Springer-Verlag 1985.
is a compound term in functional notation.
Quoting 6.3.3 Compound terms --- functional notation:
A compound term written in functional notation has the form
where each argumentAi
is an arg and they are separated by , (comma).
term = atom, open ct, arg list, close;
arg list = arg;
arg list = arg, comma, arg list;
Quoting Arguments:
An argument (represented by arg in the syntax rules) occurs as the argument of a compound term or element of a list. It can be an atom which is an operator, or a term with priority not greater than 999.
arg = atom;
if atom is an operator (with arbitrary priority)
arg = term;
(with priority 999)
Due to above highlighted case arg = atom;
, :-
does not need round brackets in op(1200,fx,:-)
If it were not for above special case, we would need round brackets, as the derivation would have to follow Atoms:
term = atom;
with priority 0, if atom is not an operator
term = atom;
with priority 1201, if atom is an operator.