I have installed **naclsdk** with stable pepper35 version.
i found getting started tutorial for c++ but i cant find any simple tutorial for c.As i new to chrome-native client it will be helpful if any one tells how to call simple c function from javascript through chrome browser because i need to call already existing c algorithm functions from javascript and i need to update graph using that returned value.i tried some examples but i cant understand.. i need to call in javascript like var ans = pexe_instance.Addition(5,6)
The Native Client SDK has a few examples that are written in C. Take a look at:
Passing messages back and forth between Native Client and JavaScript is easiest with ppapi_simple. The life.c example shows how to handle messages in the ProcessEvent function:
void ProcessEvent(PSEvent* event) {
switch(event->type) {
struct PP_Var var = event->as_var;