I want to know how to create yahoo mail like button (for example their: Check Mail button). I would like to know if it's possible to create a similar button using jquery. Please provide step by step details for this as I am novice with jQuery and web development in general.
It's correct that you don't NEED jquery...but Jquery UI has a neat set of effects for buttons that are very easy to use and can be re-styled using the ThemeRoller plugin in no time flat.
See the tutorial here: http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/styling_buttons_and_toolbars_with_the_jquery_ui_css_framework/
In a nutshell: Include Jquery UI in your page...don't forget to also include the CSS for ThemeRoller. Create an input (or link, etc) and apply the following class: class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" Voila--rounded corners, gradients, color styling, hover, etc.
Pretty easy, huh?