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How can I insert content into a file during a Gulp build?

I managed to accomplish my task using a Gulp plugin called gulp-insert like this:

gulp.task('compile-js', function () {
  // Minify and bundle client scripts.
  var scripts = gulp.src([
    srcDir + '/routes/**/*.js',
    srcDir + '/shared/js/**/*.js'
    // Sort angular files so the module definition appears
    // first in the bundle.
    // Add angular dependency injection annotations before
    // minifying the bundle.
    // Begin building source maps for easy debugging of the
    // bundled code.
    // Buffer the bundle.js file and replace the appConfig
    // placeholder string with a stringified config object.
    .pipe(gulpInsert.transform(function (contents) {
      return contents.replace("'{{{appConfigObj}}}'", JSON.stringify(config));
    // Finish off sourcemap tracking and write the map to the
    // bottom of the bundle file.
    .pipe(gulp.dest(buildDir + '/shared/js'));

  return scripts.pipe(gulpLivereload());

What I'm doing is reading our app's configuration file which is managed by the config module on npm. Getting our config file from server-side code is a snap using var config = require('config');, but we're a single-page app and frequently need access to the configuration settings on the client-side. To do that I stuff the config object into an Angular service.

Here's the Angular service before gulp build.

  .factory('appConfig', function () {
    return '{{{appConfigObj}}}';

The placeholder is in a string so that it's valid JavaScript for some of the other Gulp plugins that process the file first. The gulpInsert utility lets me insert the config like this.

.pipe(gulpInsert.transform(function (contents) {
  return contents.replace("'{{{appConfigObj}}}'", JSON.stringify(config));

This works but feels a little hacky. Not to mention that it has to buffer the whole bundled file just so I can perform the operation. Is there a more elegant way to accomplish the same thing? Preferably one that allows the stream to keep flowing smoothly without buffering the whole bundle at the end?


  • Have you checked gulp-replace-task?

    Something like

      patterns: [{
        match: '{{{appConfigObj}}}',
        replacement: config
      usePrefix: false