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No padding-effect in custom ImageView

I've got an issue assigning padding-values to my custom ImageView. Please note, that I'm not extending ImageView but View:

public class CustomImageView extends View

The image is loaded from the assets folder via path. Source- and Target-Rect are calculated in onLayout(...) and the bitmap is assigned in onDraw(...).

Good news: The Image is displayed ;-)

Bad News: Assigning padding-values by setPadding(...) has no effect on the image (problem to solve!). I tested this with a "normal" ImageView-Object and it worked like desired. But unfortunately the task is to extend my custom class from View, not ImageView. So if anybody knows how to solve this - and I'm definitely not the first one with this problem ;-) - let me know!

Here's the onDraw-Method, no magic:

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (bitmap != null)
        canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, sourceRect, targetRect, paint);


  • When you are setting paddings to view, they should be considered during the drawing. You can achieve this, by creating a BitmapDrawable variable in your custom view, and then initialize it and draw according to padding, for example.

    private BitmapDrawable mDrawable;
    public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
        mDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        if (mDrawable != null) {
            int paddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
            int paddingTop = getPaddingTop();
            int paddingRight = getPaddingRight();
            int paddingBottom = getPaddingBottom();
            int contentWidth = getWidth() - paddingLeft - paddingRight;
            int contentHeight = getHeight() - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
            mDrawable.setBounds(paddingLeft, paddingTop,
                    paddingLeft + contentWidth, paddingTop + contentHeight);