When I am displaying the pixel values of an image (a RGB image converted to grayscale) using "display" function in matlab, I found that the pixel values are less than 1 (all values are between 0 and 1). Whereas when I do the same in opencv, I am getting higher values. Why the change in values happen ? Open CV code and matlab code is as follows:
for (int i = 0; i < img1.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < img1.cols; j++)
cout << (unsigned int)img1.at<uchar>(i, j) << endl;
Matlab code:
Sorry to disappoint you. No one guarantees that the conversion of RGB to gray-scale will yield the same result. There are 2 reasons
0.299f*RED + 0.587f*GREEN + 0.114f*BLUE
Here) while Matlab uses another method (0.2989*RED + 0.587*GREEN + 0.1140*BLUE. Here). Note the difference between openCV 0.299 and Matlabs 0.2989.
More information can be found in this answer (here)