We are using Google PageSpeed module running on Apache, it is possible to configure it so that the base url uses https?
It currently outputs the following.
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;url='http://example.com/?ModPagespeed=noscript'" />
<style><!--table,div,span,font,p{display:none} --></style>
<div style="display:block">Please click <a href="http://example.com/?ModPagespeed=noscript">here</a> if you are not redirected within a few seconds.</div>
It should be https://example.com - It there a setting inpagespeed.conf to correct this?
It turns out that the site was running behind a load balancer. All HTTPS requests were forwarded via HTTP. To correct the issue we needed to set
ModPagespeedRespectXForwardedProto on
The documentation for https support explains the process.