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Repeater within Repeater (ajax based wepapp)

For the solution, I cannot use any postback methods, because this is all working through ajax. The solution need to be implemented in the code.

I have a List<WebPage> that contains a list of Links (List<Link>) and I need for all the links to bind repetitive information such as page title, id, url. Here is my current repeater.

<div id="result">
    <asp:Repeater runat="server" id="results">
            <asp:Repeater runat="server" datasource='<%# Eval("Links") %>'>
                    <tr class="gradeX odd">
                        <td><%# Eval("Id") %></td> //property of WebPage (part of results repeater)
                        <td><%# Eval("Title") %></td> //property of WebPage (part of results repeater)
                        <td><%# Eval("Url") %></td> //property of WebPage (part of results repeater)
                        <td><%# Eval("URL") %></td>//Property of Link
                        <td><%# Eval("URLType") %></td> //Property of Link
                        <td><%# Eval("URLState") %></td> //Property of Link

of course this doesnt work, how can i do this?

Thanks for your help!


  • Try this:

    DataBinder.Eval(((RepeaterItem)Container.Parent.Parent).DataItem, "URL")

    The key is to work your way back up to the parent repeater item, and then use the eval method.