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How do I change the footer/footline of a single frame in Beamer?

So basically I've got something like this at the top of my tex file:

\setbeamertemplate{footline}{Number \insertframenumber}

This applies "Number <#>" to the footer/footline of all frames. Now what I want to do is change the footline for one single frame. Surprisingly, the following doesn't work:

    \setbeamertemplate{footline}{New template \insertframenumber}

How do I achieve changing the footline/footer for one single frame?


  • Thanks Thomas! For anyone else who might want to get this working, here's a complete example:

    \setbeamertemplate{footline}{goo \insertframenumber}
        \begin{frame}[t]{Frame 1}
        { % these braces make the change local to the single frame
            \setbeamertemplate{footline}{boo \insertframenumber}
            \begin{frame}[t]{Frame 2}
        \begin{frame}[t]{Frame 3}