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DSS(Darwin Streaming Server) install failed on OS X10.10

I want to build a Darwin Streaming Server on my mac for iOS development test. But after taking the following steps which I searched from google, it fails all the time.

Method 1:

Method 2:

  • Download the source code of 6.0.3 version;
  • $ tar xvf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar
  • $ cd DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
  • $ wget
  • $ patch -p0 < dss-6.0.3.patch
  • $ ./Buildit

Then, it fails with the following words.

Darwin Streaming Server

I don't know your platform. I'll assume this is a Linux x86 platform. Please edit the BuildServer script & PlatformHeader.h to add your platform. Building for Darwin.x86_64 with gcc xcodebuild DarwinStreamingServer

=== BUILD LIBRARY TARGET AtomicLib (Library) OF PROJECT StreamingServer WITH CONFIGURATION Development ===

Check dependencies Jam is deprecated and has been removed; targets that use Jam must be upgraded to native targets. For more information on doing this, consult the Xcode documentation.


The following build commands failed: Check dependencies (1 failure)"

  • I tried to run ./Install, it showed me

Unable to perform install You must be logged in as root to install Darwin Streaming Server

and I don't know what to do now.

PS: I've installed Xcode on my mac and didn't find any available document about Darwin Streaming Server, or I missed it?

Hope for any help. Thanks.


  • Well, finally I solved this issue with the help of my friend. Here's the steps of solution.

    • I've given up compiling and building on my own and downloaded the dmg file.(version 6.0.3)
    • Install the dmg as directions.
    • Then, go to /usr/sbin in terminal and find and QuickTimeStreamingServer.
    • Run them.
    • Check if they're running with ps aux|grep streaming.
    • Open http://localhost:1220/parse_xml.cgi in Safari or Chrome. It will show some textfield and a button.
    • However, there's no words at all ! Go to /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/AdminHtml and edit setup_assistant2.html.
    • Find line 333 and change it from return "$message{$name}"; to return $name;.
    • Then it shows some understandable words, though not exact words.

    Till now, it can be partly work. However, in some steps I mentioned above, for example, html editing step, I really don't know why the words just don't show and just have a try.

    Save the exact steps I did here for memory. It will be wonderful if it can help anyone or anyone have some good idea about it.
