I want to display some YouTube videos on my Android TV application, I was trying to port something I already have working on a phone, but there I use the YouTube Android API player, that doesn't seem to work on Android TV.
I found this https://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=6998 so it looks like I'm not alone.
I added a WebView and I can display a video but I can't get full hd resolution, is that possible with embedded videos?
YouTube Player Full API is not available on Android TV but developers can currently use the YouTube intent as follows.
String videoId = "dQw4w9WgXcQ";
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("vnd.youtube:" + videoId));
intent.putExtra("force_fullscreen", true);
intent.putExtra("finish_on_ended", true);
This will use YouTube app to play videos. The force_fullscreen=true removes navigation to related videos while the finish_on_ended=true returns to calling app when video is done.
You may also use
Intent intent = YouTubeIntents.createPlayVideoIntentWithOptions(this, videoId, true, false);
if you download the YouTubeAndroidPlayerAPI:
and include the jar file in your project