Spring validation works fine for a form with static id. But in my scenario forms are generated dynamically on frontend.
For Example - My form bean is - GenericQuestionnaireForm so if i have the form element as below
<form:form method="post" modelAttribute="genericQuestionnaireForm" action="/save-generic-questionnaire">
validation works fine and the errors are correctly displayed.
But I have to capture the form values for different products so I am generating different forms with unique id by attaching the form name with the product number.
<form:form method="post" modelAttribute="product1_genericQuestionnaireForm" action="/save-generic-questionnaire">
when I submit this form to my controller method the BindingResult are getting attached to the genericQuestionnaireForm form object due to which the errors are not getting displayed on front end.
@RequestMapping(value = "/save-generic-questionnaire", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveQuestionnaire(@Valid final GenericQuestionnaireForm genericQuestForm,final BindingResult bindingResult, final Model model,
final RedirectAttributes redirectModel, final HttpServletRequest request) throws CMSItemNotFoundException{
if(genericQuestForm != null) {
genericQuestionnaireFormValidator.validate(genericQuestForm, bindingResult);
if (bindingResult.hasErrors())
{ return //to the front end..}
My query is - Is there a way to attach the BindingResult to the dynamic form Id in order to show the generated errors. Or is there a better way to do form validation in this scenario?
<<form:form:form method="post" modelAttribute="genericQuestionnaireForm" action="/save-generic-questionnaire" >
<form:hidden path="id"/>
modelAttribute attribute always remains the same.
public genericQuestionnaireForm getgenericQuestionnaireForm(){
return new genericQuestionnaireForm();
RequestMapping(value = "/save-generic-questionnaire", method =
public String saveQuestionnaire(@Valid final GenericQuestionnaireForm genericQuestForm, BindingResult bindingResult.....
for identifing different products just use hidden id.