I am attempting to use the dplyr
package to select all columns that start with i. I have the following code:
dat <- select(newdat1,starts_with("i"))
and the colnames for my data are:
> colnames(newdat)
[1] "i22" "i21" "i20" "i24"
It is just a coincidence in this case they all start with i, as in other cases there will be a larger variety; thus, I want to automate the process. The issue is it appears my code using dplyr
is correct; however, I am having issues with the package, so I was wondering if/how to accomplish the same task with grep or grepl, or anything really using the base package. Thanks!
With base R , you can use grep
to match column names. You can use
dat <- newdat1[, grep("^i", colnames(newdat1))]
to do a starts-with like query. You can use any regular expression you want as the pattern in grep()