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Using FXRegistry to store persistent data in FXRuby

I'm using FXRegistry to store the username and password, so that I can authenticate with my web service. When a user logs in, the username and password get written to the FXRegistry, and everything seems great. But when I exit out of the application and run it again, it doesn't seem to be able to ready from FXRegistry. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Here's the code,

regis =, VENDOR_KEY)
regis.writeStringEntry("USER_CACHE", "username", usrTextField.text)
regis.writeStringEntry("USER_CACHE", "password", pwdTextField.text)

And here's how I read from it,

regis.readStringEntry("USER_CACHE", "username")
regis.readStringEntry("USER_CACHE", "password")


  • So, I finally found out why my perfectly looking code didn't work. It all had to do with the proper way I exited my app. I was using the normal "exit" command to exit out, and it clearly says in the FXRegistry documentation that, "The registry is read when FXApp::init() is called, and written back to the system when FXApp::exit() is called."

    So for those of us who don't know how to do that, here's how to do that,


    An example at actually uses FXRegistry to store app data.