I'm just trying to use codeclimate cli to analyze my code locally. I'm using Mac OS X 10.10.3 and, as recommended here, I'm using boot2docker.
Everything good so far. I run codeclimate init
to generate .codeclimate.yml file and tweaked it. It looks like this:
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
- "**.php"
- "**.coffee"
- "**.js"
- "**.jsx"
- "**.css"
- node_modules/**/*
- vendor/**/*
- etc/**/*
- .vagrant/**/*
After that I run codeclimate engines:install
and this is my output:
Pulling docker images.
WARNING: unknown engine name: phpcodesniffer
Finally, codeclimate engines:list
Available engines:
- bundler-audit: Patch-level verification for Bundler
- coffeelint: A style checker for CoffeeScript
- csslint: Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
- eslint: A JavaScript/JSX linting utility
- gofmt: gofmt
- golint: golint
- govet: govet
- rubocop: A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
- rubymotion: Rubymotion-specific rubocop checks
- watson: A young Ember Doctor to help you fix your code.
What am I doing wrong? How should I install this engine?
Many thanks in advance
We (Code Climate) just recently released the phpcodesniffer
engine, and your local Code Climate CLI version likely needs to be updated to know about it.
I just updated our docs to explain how to run an update: http://docs.codeclimate.com/article/301-code-climate-cli-troubleshooting#unknown_engine