I'm setting up a shopping cart where there are one time paid products and a recurring payment product (subscription). A buyer can select both and proceed to PayPal checkout. This must be done with a single checkout. Please explain me how to achieve this using PayPal PayFlow Pro API. I'm coding with PHP.
Thanks in advance!
You can either make two separate calls to the PayFlow API (one to process the one-time payment for the paid products, and another to create the recurring profile), or you could just make a single call to create a recurring profile and include the OPTIONALTRX. When you include that you can set any amount you want to be processed immediately as a one-time payment when the profile gets created.
These documents will greatly help you with the flow of everything.
This PayPal PHP SDK will make the individual PayFlow calls very quick and easy for you. It comes with a PayFlowTransaction.php sample that is fully functional. All you would have to do is add/adjust parameters in that sample to match the calls you need to make based on the information in the documentation.