Search code examples

Why are Google API queries through simplejson returning "responseData": null?

I'm trying to screenscrape the first result of a Google search using Python and simplejson, but I can't access the search results the way that many examples online demonstrate. Here's a snippet:

url = '' % (query)
search_results = urllib.urlopen(url)
json = simplejson.load(search_results)
    results = json['responseData']['results'] # always fails at this line
    first_result = results[0]
    print "attempt to set results failed"

When I go to (or anything else substituted for the %s) in a browser, it displays the line "{"responseData": null, "responseDetails": "clip sweeping", "responseStatus": 204}." Is there some other way to access the results of a Google search in Python besides trying to use the apparently empty responseData?


  • You missed the &q=. You also should consider using an api-key. Besides that plain string contaction wont work, you need to escape the parameter.

     url = ' ' + urllib.quote_plus(query)