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Why JPA\Hibernate don't automatically create this mapped field?

I am working on a Java web application that use JPA\Hibernate and I am not so into this technology.

So I have the following problem: I have a model class named ReaDichiarazioneIntento that is mapped to a database table named REA_DICHIARAZIONE_INTENTO.

Something like this:

@javax.persistence.Table(name = "REA_DICHIARAZIONE_INTENTO", schema = "EDIWEA")
public class ReaDichiarazioneIntento implements Cloneable {

    private Integer idDichiarazione;

    @javax.persistence.Column(name = "ID_DICHIARAZIONE")
    public Integer getIdDichiarazione() {
        return idDichiarazione;

    public void setIdDichiarazione(Integer idDichiarazione) {
        this.idDichiarazione = idDichiarazione;


My boss say to me that I have to add and map a new field into this table, so I have added this field (adding it and the related getter and setter method into the previous class), adding this code to the previous class:

private Date dataTrasmissioneAde;

@javax.persistence.Column(name = "DATA_TRASMISSIONE_ADE")
public Date getDataTrasmissioneAde() {
    return dataTrasmissioneAde;

public void setDataTrasmissioneAde(Date dataTrasmissioneAde) {
    this.dataTrasmissioneAde = dataTrasmissioneAde;

He say to me that, restarting the application server, Hibernate would automatically create this field into my table.

I obtain no error but looking inside my table I can't find the DATA_TRASMISSIONE_ADE column.

Why JPA\Hibernate have not automatically created this column after that I have mapped it into my model class? What could be the problem? What am I missing?



  • Can you post your persistence.xml?

    it should include something like this

    property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="create"

    or drop and create but you will lose all you data if you drop all the tables You could also put a @Temporal anotation for better mapping to the database of the date field