Consider these two Grails domain
class Agreement implements Serializable {
String code
String branchCode
static belongsTo = [agency: CollectingAgency]
static mapping = {
class CollectingAgency implements Serializable {
String type
String agencyClass
static hasMany = [agreement: Agreement]
static mapping = {
Now when I perform Agreement.findAll()
it creates a sql similar to this (using loggingSql = true
select agreement0_.agency_id as agency4_67_1_, agreement0_.AGREH_CD as
AGREH1_1_, agreement0_.AGREH_BRCHCD as AGREH2_1_,
agreement0_.agency_id as agency4_66_0_,
from RVAGREHDROTB agreement0_
where agreement0_.agency_id=?
The statement will not execute because of the unknown column(agency_id
). And I wonder where do it gets the agency_id
column? I haven't mapped any column with such name.
And when I try to query from the other side using CollectingAgency.findAll()
, it returns a malformed Object
type: "0400300",
agencyClass: "12",
agreement: [
Yes, like that, with the agreement
key having an opening square bracket [
but no closing bracket ]
. Plus, the other properties of the table are not retrieved.
How can I achieve a query with a resulting object similar to these:
code: "1212",
branchCode: "a014s",
agency: {
type: "0400300",
agencyClass: "12",
code: "1213",
branchCode: "a014z",
agency: {
type: "0400300",
agencyClass: "12",
and CollectingAgency.findAll()
type: "0400300",
agencyClass: "12",
agreement: [
code: "1212",
branchCode: "a014s",
code: "1213",
branchCode: "a014z",
In your Agreement class you have
static belongsTo = [agency: CollectingAgency]
which will create an 'agency' field in your class. the agency_id you see just maps your 'agency' field to the 'agency' column in the database.