one of my OS X apps deals with various dates. The user has to enter dates at many different places and most of the dates are not around the current date but somewhere in the past.
(in graphical mode) offers a very limited UI: It is not possible to jump to a specific year or month for example. The arrow controls to switch between months are quite small and hard to click...
Bottom line is: Does anyone know a good graphical alternative to NSDatePicker
? While there seem to bee hundreds of UIDatePicker
alternatives with various different styles and settings I could not find any solution for NSDatePicker
This is an old question but I have encountered the same problem and that's why I answer your question.
It is very surprising, but, on a lot of points, I think that OSX's GUI is very limited unlike iOS.
I'm afraid that you have to create a component yourself from scratch.
An other solution is to use this open-source component : MLCalendarView (Calendar-OSX) available on