i want to print the viewbag recieved from the controller but i cant, my code in the controller is here:
var qry = from c in db.Customers
join o in db.Orders on id equals o.CustomerID
where id == o.CustomerID
select new {o.OrderID ,o.OrderDetails};
ViewBag.OrdersForUser = qry.ToList();
the printing code in my view is :
@foreach (var order in ViewBag.OrdersForUser)
the printed text right now is:
{ OrderID = 1, OrderDetails = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[FinalProject.Models.OrderDetail] }
the type of OrderID is int, the type of OrderDeatils is ICollection i want to print the data in the hash set (and not the decleration like now) , and to split the Order Id into other space.
ViewBag is a dynamic type. And you assign an anonymous type, then you cant get its type in view side.
var qry = from c in db.Customers
join o in db.Orders on id equals o.CustomerID
where id == o.CustomerID
// in this line, what is the type of list ? You should define its type
// for example:
select new SomeType{OrderId = o.OrderID ,OrderDetails = o.OrderDetails}
//select new {o.OrderID ,o.OrderDetails};
ViewBag.OrdersForUser = qry.ToList();
and then in your
@foreach (var order in (List<SomeType>)ViewBag.OrdersForUser)
Or if there is relation definitions between your entities, you can get only order details like following :
ViewBag.OrdersForUser = db.OrderDetails.Where(d=>d.Order.CustomerId == id);
view :
@foreach (var orderDetail in (List<OrderDetail>)ViewBag.OrdersForUser)