I'm currently using Pentaho 5.2.
I have 1 data field that comes from the .ktr file ( organization_name )
I have 1 resource-label ( org_name ) that is text/translated in the report itself.
I was wondering how I could combine the fields as 1 field. Someone advised me to fill in the resource-message field, but I'm not sure how and the Wiki doesn't have any information: http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/Reporting/resource-message
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
Venkatesh got me on the right path, what I did to translate the labels:
Text field with value:
=CONCATENATE([ResourceMesssageFormatExpression0];" - ";[organization_name])
==> You want to add a Resource Message Format Function ( under Data > Add Functions > Advanced functions ) that looks toward resource-identifier With the Resource-Key of Pattern which contains the label: org_name
Then you can use this in the =CONCATENATE
This will get the label translated.