I have 2 (array of) objects from 2 different controllers.
Object 1 (Name Controller 1):
Object 2 (Nickname Controller 2 ):
[{id:1, "nickname" : "jandric", "nameId" :1, "title" : "master"},...]
I broadcast object from controller 1 via service:
$http.get('names/').success(function(data) {
I handle broadcasted object in Controller 2:
$scope.$on('handleBroadcast', function() {
$scope.names= sharedService.message;
Controller 2 allso have GET request:
$http.get('nicknames/').success(function (data) {
$scope.nicknames = data;
I have simple table in which i want to show: nicknameId, nickname, name, and title.
Something like this:
<div ng-controller="Nickname">
<tr ng-repeat="nick in nicknames">
<td ng-controller="Name">{{??????}}</td> //GET name request trigger
How to get name from first object, for given nameId, in second object??
Plz help :D
I managed to do it in html like this:
<div ng-controller="Nickname">
<tr ng-repeat="nick in nicknames">
<td ng-controller="Name">
<div ng-repeat="name in names">
<div ng-if="nick.nameId === name.id">
So i'm using for loop inside for loop. Is there a more simple answer?
I hope I got your question right: create an index in the Nickname controllers $scope which maps to the name by the id:
* @param {Array.<obj>} source: The array of objects the index should be created with.
* @param {string} property: The property that shall be used as key for the new index
* @return {object} provides access to all objects by the chosen property
var buildIndex = function(source, property) {
var temp = {};
for(var i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; ++i) {
temp[source[i][property]] = source[i];
return temp;
then you can access the index in the template:
<div ng-controller="Nickname">
<tr ng-repeat="nick in nicknames">