I am using Visual Studio to create a Report. I am having a problem getting the appropriate value into a text field.
I have a DataSet with these values:
This DataSet will only have 1 or 2 values in it. It is being populated by an InfoPath form (the values in the DataSet are all accurate and working).
InfoPathFormsWorkflow is either "Close" or "Open". I currently have 2 text fields with these expressions:
=IIF(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value = "Closed",Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value / Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value,"No Value")
=IIF(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value = "Open",Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value / Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value,"No Value")
When the DataSet only has 1 value (either with "Open" or "Close") that text field will display correctly, but when the DataSet has 2 values (both "Close" and "Open" entries) then only the fist one will display correctly and the second one will display "No Value". So if the first row has InfoPathFormsWorkflow.value = "Close" then it will work but the "Open" will not. Or visa versa.
Is there a trick to selecting the right row entry? I have read a bit about using Parameters, but I cant seem to understand how that works. Any help would be great! This got handed to me after another worker here spend 80 hours on it.
These are TextFields inside or outside your Tablix?
If they're outside, which I think seems to be the case (although I feel like that expression shouldn't be working at all then, so maybe I'm wrong...), this gets a little unwieldy, but is still entirely possible (assuming you only have those two rows):
For the Closed TextField:
=IIF(First(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value, "YourDataSetName") = "Closed",
First(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value, "YourDataSetName") /
First(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value, "YourDataSetName"),
IIF(Last(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value, "YourDataSetName") = "Closed",
Last(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value, "YourDataSetName") /
Last(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value, "YourDataSetName")
"No Value"
Likewise for the Open TextField:
=IIF(First(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value, "YourDataSetName") = "Open",
First(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value, "YourDataSetName") /
First(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value, "YourDataSetName"),
IIF(Last(Fields!InfoPathFormsWorkflow.Value, "YourDataSetName") = "Open",
Last(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Sum.Value, "YourDataSetName") /
Last(Fields!AvgProcessTime_Count.Value, "YourDataSetName")
"No Value"
If you wanted something different, let me know. Report Services is a bit stubborn about making things easy sometimes, but most things can eventually be made to behave as anticipated with the right (lengthy) expression.