I'm using Symfony2 and i'm trying to get an array of languages not associated to a specified client.
I have a Client
entity indicating the Client, ClientLanguage
that has the following structure:
the association with the Language entityclient
the association with the Client entitysequence
tells the order the language should be shown (not used here)and Language
To get an array of languages not associated to the client i want to proceed in the following way:
variable)This is the function I wrote to accomlish that:
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use AppBundle\Entity\Client;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join;
class ClientRepository extends EntityRepository
* @param $client Client to check
* @return array
public function getLanguagesNotAssociatedToClient($client)
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$clientLanguagesDQL = $qb
->from('AppBundle:Language', 'lang')
->join('AppBundle:ClientLanguage', 'languages_assoc', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.language = lang')
->join('AppBundle:Client', 'client', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.client = client')
->where('client.idClient = :client_id')
$languages = $qb->select('language')
->from('AppBundle:Language', 'language')
->where($qb->expr()->notIn('language', $clientLanguagesDQL))
->setParameter('client_id', $client->getIdClient())
return $languages;
However, when I run this, Symfony complains about a : [Semantical Error] line 0, col 293 near 'lang INNER JOIN': Error: 'lang' is already defined.
It also tells me that there is a QueryException
, and it shows me the following query:
SELECT language
FROM AppBundle:Language lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:ClientLanguage languages_assoc
WITH languages_assoc.language = lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:Client client
WITH languages_assoc.client = client, AppBundle:Language language WHERE language NOT IN(
FROM AppBundle:Language lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:ClientLanguage languages_assoc
WITH languages_assoc.language = lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:Client client
WITH languages_assoc.client = client
WHERE client.idClient = :client_id
And this is definitely not what I want to do. Why there appeared to be two joins with AppBundle:ClientLanguage
and AppBundle:Client
? I use this association only in my first subquery.
If it can help, when I run this:
$clientLanguagesDQL = $qb
->from('AppBundle:Language', 'lang')
->join('AppBundle:ClientLanguage', 'languages_assoc', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.language = lang')
->join('AppBundle:Client', 'client', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.client = client')
->where('client.idClient = :client_id')
This is the returned DQL stored in $clientLanguageDQL
FROM AppBundle:Language lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:ClientLanguage languages_assoc
WITH languages_assoc.language = lang
INNER JOIN AppBundle:Client client
WITH languages_assoc.client = client
WHERE client.idClient = :client_id
What's wrong with this query?
My mistake was very stupid, all I had to do is creating a new query builder for each query instead of reusing the first one:
$qb1 = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$clientLanguagesDQL = $qb1
->from('AppBundle:Language', 'lang')
->join('AppBundle:ClientLanguage', 'languages_assoc', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.language = lang')
->join('AppBundle:Client', 'client', Join::WITH, 'languages_assoc.client = client')
->where('client.idClient = :client_id')
$qb2 = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$languages = $qb2->select('language')
->from('AppBundle:Language', 'language')
->where($qb2->expr()->notIn('language', $clientLanguagesDQL))
->setParameter('client_id', $client->getIdClient())
return $languages;