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Can KUE execute external processes?

Is it possible to queue and execute scripts as jobs in KUE ?

Script like /usr/bin/ -a 10 -b 20 -c 30
All the examples that I have seen suppose the job to be defined as Node.js function.

If it is possible, how I can define the job name, the script path and the script parameters?

Are there any better alternatives than KUE for the same task.
Preferably with UI and small memory footprint. :)


  • First, write a node worker to consume the Kue jobs. Example: worker.js

    Then, add the kue code:

    var kue = require('kue')
    , queue = kue.createQueue();

    And add the listener to your desired code:

    queue.process('MYEXTERNALJOB', function(job, done){
        runJob(, done);

    Try child_process.exec:

    function runJob(data, done){
            //You can use the job's data object to pass your external script parameters
            var a = data.a;
            var b = data.b;
            var c = data.c;
            var yourCode = '/usr/bin/ -a ' + a + ' -b ' + b + ' -c ' + c
            var exec = require('child_process').exec,
            child = exec(yourCode,
                function (error, stdout, stderr) {
                    console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
                    console.log('stderr: ' +  stderr);
                    if (error !== null) {
                        console.log('exec error: ' + error);
                        done(error); //callback with error for your publisher code
                        done(null, stdout); // callback with the results, which you can potentially use on your publisher code

    Then, remember to run your worker so it can poll for Kue jobs:

    $ node worker.js

    Now you just need to create jobs for MYEXTERNALJOB on the main code

    var kue = require('kue')
    , queue = kue.createQueue();
    var job = queue.create('MYEXTERNALJOB', {
        a: 10
      , b: 20
      , c: 30
    }).save( function(err){
       if( !err ) console.log( );

    Remember to add event handlers for complete, failed and failed attempt before save.