I'm building a Rails 4 API with JSON, and am returning the updated_at
attribute as UTC timezone in ISO format.
record.updated_at # => 2015-04-14 10:01:37 -0400
record.updated_at.utc.iso8601 # => "2015-04-14T14:01:37Z"
However, my rspec
specs will occasionally fail intermittently when the updated_at
is off by 1 second:
# records_controller_spec.rb
RSpec.describe RecordsController do
describe "update - PUT #update" do
record = FactoryGirl::create(:record, value: "original")
record_params = { value: "updated" }
xhr :put, api_v1_record_path(record), record_params
# Uses ActiveModelSerializer
# json = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
expect(json["updated_at"]).to eq(record.updated_at.utc.iso8601)
# app/serializers/record_serializer.rb
class RecordSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :value
def created_at
def updated_at
# Running rspec...
Failure/Error: expect(json["updated_at"]).to eq(record.updated_at.utc.iso8601)
expected: "2015-04-14T13:59:35Z"
got: "2015-04-14T13:59:34Z"
(compared using ==)
If I run the spec again, it passes many times, and then randomly it will fail again, with the time comparison being off by 1 second again.
Is there anyway to ensure consistent datetime conversions in the specs?
The biggest issue is that automated deploys with a CI server will randomly fail if the rspec
suite randomly fails if a spec just happens to be on the fence of a given second.
The solution was I wasn't reloading the object after the update actions, thus I was getting a "dirty" updated_at
, and it failed sporadically because the tests happened so fast.
RSpec.describe RecordsController do
describe "update - PUT #update" do
record = FactoryGirl::create(:record, value: "original")
record_params = { value: "updated" }
# record.updated_at => "2015-06-23 22:30:00"
xhr :put, api_v1_record_path(record), record_params
# record.updated_at => "2015-06-23 22:30:00"
# SOLUTION CODE (notice timestamp updated below)
# record.updated_at => "2015-06-23 22:30:01"
# Uses ActiveModelSerializer
# json = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
expect(json["updated_at"]).to eq(record.updated_at.utc.iso8601)
I found that for any of my specs that altered/updated a record, I would have to reload the object to get the proper timestamps values. I don't have better general approach than that.
If someone has a cleaner solution, feel free to post it and I'll accept it over mine.