I have two entity groups. Restaurants and Users. Restaurants can be rated (1-5) by users. And rating fromeach user should be retrievable.
Resturant(id, name, ..... , total_number_of_votes, total_voting_points ) User (id, name ...... )
Rating (id, restaurant_id, user_id, rating_value)
Do i need to store the avg value so that it need not be calculated every time ? which table is the best place to store avg_rating, total_no_of_votes, total_voting_points ?
Well, if you store the average value somewhere; it will only be accurate as of the last time you calculated it. (i.e. you have 5 reviews; then store the averages somewhere. You get 5 more new reviews, and then your saved average is incorrect).
My opinion is that this sort of logic is perfectly suited to a middle-tier. Calculating an average shouldn't be very resource intensive, and really shouldn't impact performance.
If you really want to store it in the database; I would probably store them in their own table, and update those values via triggers. However, this could be even more resource intensive than calculating it in the middle-tier.