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One argument referencing another in the argument list

Occasionally, I encounter one argument wanting to reference another. For instance,

def monitor(time: Double, f: Double => Double, resolution: Double = time / 10) = {...}

Note that resolution refers to time. Are there languages where this is possible? Is it possible in Scala?


  • I don't know any langage where this construction is possible, but a simple workaround is not difficult to find.

    In scala, something like this is possible :

    scala> def f(i : Int, j : Option[Int] = None) : Int = {
         | val k = j.getOrElse(i * 2)
         | i + k
         | }
    f: (i: Int, j: Option[Int])Int
    scala> f(1)
    res0: Int = 3
    scala> f(1, Some(2))
    res1: Int = 3

    In scala, you can also make something like this :

    scala> def g(i : Int)(j : Int = i * 2) = i + j
    g: (i: Int)(j: Int)Int
    scala> g(2)(5)
    res6: Int = 7
    scala> g(2)()
    res7: Int = 6